October is Eczema Awareness Month20171012182827
October is Eczema Awareness Month
adminOctober 12, 2017dermatology, eczema, eczema awareness month, itch, october, peraza, skin, vanicream0 comments
Can you name what 30 million Americans have? Think about a health condition that affects one out of every ten Americans, one out of every 10 Upper Val...
Shake Off Winter with New Cabana Life Protective Summerwear20170302202432
Shake Off Winter with New Cabana Life Protective Summerwear
The summer sun is on its way, which means that now is the time to start thinking about summer skin protection. Clothing is your skin’s first lev...
Cabana Life SPF Clothing – 30% Off to Peraza Dermatology Group’s Blog Readers20160810175640
Cabana Life SPF Clothing – 30% Off to Peraza Dermatology Group’s Blog Readers
It wasn’t long ago that we published a post titled “The Truth About Sunscreen” reminding our patients of the proper use of sunscreen while also remind...